
Re: Sideband Production

            Re: Sideband Production
            Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:36:40 +1200
            "Malcolm Watts" <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
            Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

Hi all,
         Time for me to correct another statement in this piece. The 
equations f1 = fo/SQRT(1+k) and f2 = fo/SQRT(1-k) show that as k tends 
to 1, the frequencies become 0.7fo and infinity respectively. It has 
been said before that they tend to zero and infinity and until I 
checked, I had just repeated what others had said in the past.
     I consulted with Bert Hickman on why 0.7fo might be so, and I 
think we agree that it is the result of the two circuit's impedances 
shunting one another. But it may not be that simple either. 0.7fo 
makes sense if the surge impedances are equal but not much if things 
are otherwise. I wonder if those two equations are conditional on the
surge impedances of the two circuits being equal?
     Must check up on that.