
Re: Tesla Ground Strap

            Re: Tesla Ground Strap
            Thu, 27 Mar 1997 08:06:31 +1200
            "Malcolm Watts" <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
            Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

Hi Chuck,

>   From: 
>         Chuck Curran <ccurran-at-execpc-dot-com>
>     To: 
>         Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Hello All:
>         The last couple of weeks I have started to try and find some
> copper
> strap for a nice ground from the bottom of my secondary, to the buried
> ground system.  Ah, not too many local stores carried rolls of anything
> close to 1" wide by .015" thick copper strap, in about a 25 foot
> length.  I found two sites  that specialize in lightning protection
> hardware, both carry solid copper strap and braided material.    They
> had 5/8" through 6" wide strap with one site (www.polyphaser-dot-com) having
> 25,50, 75 and 100 foot rolls (1"-6")without any pricing information. 
> I'm going to call about the cost per roll on the 1" wide, but has anyone
> found others sources for solid copper ground strap (or suitable
> alternate?) that didn't break the bank??  Any suggestions would be
> appreciated.  Thanks 
> Chuck

I spotted a buckled piece of 2" wide aluminium channel at an 
aluminium warehouse last year. They said they recycled damaged pieces.
They let me have it after some persuasion.
