
[Fwd: Re: It works, But I want more. (fwd)]

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At 10:02 PM 3/3/97 -0700, David Christal wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 03 Mar 1997 21:51:17 GMT
>From: David Christal <xtal-at-airmail-dot-net>
>To: Tesla-list-subscribers-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
>Subject: It works, But I want more.
>Thanks to everyone for helping get my first coil off the ground.  
>I know I can strap xformers of equal value, and that's next 
>Now don't laugh, I can't help that I don't know any better.  
>What about strapping all 4 of my neons together:
>		*|||*
>		*|||*
>240vac	   ~140	*|||*12kv 30ma * 2
>	    vac	*|||*
>single  |-------*|||*-----|	=~21kv -at- 60ma
>phase   |		  |
>        |-------*|||*-----|
>		*|||*
>	   ~100	*|||* 9kv 30ma * 2
>	    vac	*|||*
>of course, even if it worked, I'd need another capacitor in series.
>All comments and suggestions are badly needed.
>David Christal 3341 Cloverdale Lane, Dallas, TX  75234
>214 349-6972 (214 FIX MY PC) (Pool Cues and Personal Computers)


Neon transformers are all center tapped and the center tap is connected to
the laminations and the case of the transformer.  When operated as a
stand-alone transformer, the center tap is at zero volts potential.  When
you place two or more of these transformers in series, you can end up with
several thousand volts on the case of the transformer, usually causing a
serious failure (not to mention a serious electrocution hazard!)

I know some of the Tesla people on this list have successfully used
microwave oven transformers in series, but either the transformers had their
windings already isolated from the frame,  or the builder was able to
disassemble the transformer and add insulation and remove the connection to
the transformer frame.  I do not know of anyone who has successfully
isolated the cores in a neon transformer (there is very little extra room
for additional insulation.)  Anyone out there isolated neon windings and
successfully series connected them?  I always just thought it was too risky.
Anyone safely done this?

Bert Pool

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