
[Fwd: Capacitor Delivery.]

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Hello All:
    Well, I finally was rewarded for being patient in waiting quietly
for Plastic Capacitors, Inc. to make and deliver my new cap.  Last night
about 5:30 PM the UPS truck pulled up and there was my .05 mfd -at- 30,ooo
VAC cap., ordered on 1/2/97.  They did a great pakaging job and it was
clearly labeled as "Delicate Electronics".  That might be stretching
things, but the carton was in excellent shape.  I hope to be able to
resonate first the secondary with the new toroid, which I finished the
rough assembly on last night and now with the cap I can ball park the
primary circuit too.  In the basement things are just too close together
to do anything exact--the toroid will be witin inches of the suspended
ceiling and all the steel rail supports for it, but what the heck, it
will be fun just getting a rough cut idea as to where things are.  I
guess I really just want to pretend it's ready to go.
    All that's left now is tape coating the toroid O.D. with aluminum
tape, the spacer for the top of the secondary to mount the toroid on and
then connecting up the primary components and positioning things for a K
of around .22, if I can!  Hope to be 100% done now in about two weeks.
I looked at Bill Wysock's web site after the information on it was
posted last week.  It was real interesting and I decided to send an
e-mail to him.  He was nice enough to reply right away -- he'd be
another positive addition to the group!  That's all for now, back to the


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