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- To: mail11:;;;;;-at-us4rmc.pko.dec-dot-com-at-us4rmc.pko.dec-dot-com-at-digital-dot-com;;;;;;;; (-at-teslatech)
- Subject: Jumpstartng neons
- From: pierson-at-gone.ENET.dec-dot-com
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 97 16:19:19 EST
> I managed to pull myself out to the cold Michigan workshop in my > backyard to test out my latest formless coil. The flourescent lamps in > the shop never light in the winter because of the cold for some reason. Standard characteristic of flurescents. The strike voltage goes up as the tmep goes down (most flurescetns are used indoors, so it does not get noticed.). (alsi, if the 'starter' style, the lieeetle starters don;t like the cold, either. > I have several incandescent bulbs also hooked up because of it. > Once I started the coil, all the flourescent lamps ignited! The coil is surrounded by a high field, once running, even if not sparking from the top. Enough to help the fluorescents along. A 'static spark' to the lamp will do the same, as will, sometimes, simply running ones hand along the tube. An interesting observation. regards dwp
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