
Re: Coil Efficiency (and true wattmeter)

From: 	FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, June 26, 1997 4:21 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re:  Coil Efficiency (and true wattmeter)

>snip >    It is vastly less
>efficient than anyone would imagine and the losses are huge (make that
> beyond belief (as I have stated many times before on this list.)  Wall
> is just a loss we must live with with current gap switches and other
> materials used by the cloiler.  <snip>

> Also, my work has shown that the instantaneous impulse power in 
>the hottest systems is below that calculated by the classic surge 
>impedance equation due to the voltage rapidly dropping as the current
> rises.  This indicates substantial losses in the switching device and
> tank circuit components. Also in the power tranny, I would imagine.
>Malcolm is right about the loses.
> Richard Hull, TCBOR

Richard, all

Thanks, I don't have any of the "fancy" stuff like Pearson CTs or Dual
storage scopes,  :^(       so I'll have to struggle for awhile with more 
basic equipment.   I agree that the losses are high; maybe we can, 
using suitable measurements, determine exactly where the losses are 
occuring, and how much in each component, to help optimize these
Tesla systems.  It will be most useful to separate the "wallplug-to-cap"
losses, from the cap to spark output losses.  In other words to separate
the the measurement of power supply losses from the RF and spark
output section losses.

John Freau