
Re: Toads :^) :) [:{)

From: 	Bert Hickman[SMTP:bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com]
Sent: 	Friday, June 20, 1997 2:31 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Toads       :^)     :)     [:{)

Tesla List wrote:
> From:   Larry Robertson[SMTP:LWRobertson-at-msn-dot-com]
> Sent:   Thursday, June 19, 1997 12:01 AM
> To:     Tesla Builders
> Subject:        Toads       :^)     :)     [:{)
> Hey ...
> Way back in my mis-spent youth, toads were the group
> of people one hung around with, and who had similar
> interests - as in " Any of you toads want to go down
> to the pub? ".
> Upon reflection I have concluded this may not be a
> universal usage, and to anyone who thought I was casting
> aspersions upon the group I say the "toad" word was
> used in the kindest possible way.
> At least the HPE book went to a good home. I had visions
> of it being snatched up by the Church of Creation Science
> to prove meddling with higher powers.
> (Guilty!)
> I still have the gaps closed way down while I check things
> over - spark is a bit over a foot. When I turn the Variac up
> it spurts out a loud blue flame at 120 Hz., never misses a
> beat. While it roars away between the toroid and ground
> rod, the cap gap occasionally going KAPOW as counterpoint
> I get this gut certainty that I really, really don't want to get
> hit by a bolt.
> We'll open the gaps up a bit tonight and see how everything
> holds together.
> Feeling Toadly in Morgan Hill
> LR


No offence taken at all... in fact I got a chuckle out of it! :^)
Good luck on pouring the coals to your coil... here's hoping you don't
let the smoke out of something!

-- Bert H --