
Four Layer Coil

From: 	Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, June 19, 1997 6:26 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Four Layer Coil

Wednesday, June 18, 1997 2:03 AM Benson Barry
<Benson_Barry%PAX5-at-mr.nawcad.navy.mil> wrote;

> Hi Alfred, All,
> Do you really think that all of the magnetic field
> from the primary can diffuse through all of the
> layers of windings in the secondary without
> phase shift or attenuation due to the
> diffusion time constant or skin effect?

Even if it were in a large coil there would be only a few millimeters 
difference between layers and the difference in the magnetic over 
that small a distance is insignificant!


                              \\  ~ ~  //
                               (  -at- -at-  )
                           Alfred A. Skrocki
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