Re: 10KV RMS -at- 300MA
Subject: Re: 10KV RMS -at- 300MA
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 08:54:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
<< snip>> I really expected to see more power
> processed and longer sparks. I tried break rates up to about 700pps and
> also varied the primary taps...to no avail.
> I am really looking for suggestions/explanations. This makes no sense to
> at all. Maybe it is a reality that a truly synergistic system running
> with a sync break is running at maximum.
Nice results you're getting using this transfomrer and sync-gap.
failure of the higher break-rates to increase the spark length: I
replaced the sync-gap with a non-sync gap on my TC, I got results that
similar to yours, although I did get about 3 more inches of spark, but
drew a lot more current, so the whole thing was inefficient -- I was
disappointed also. I posted details a few weeks ago.
I figure that given the proper cap value/leakage reactance for resonant
charging, the cap will charge at a certain rate. With more breaks, less
charging time is available, thus the capacitor will charge to a lower
voltage. Also, some gap firings will occur lower on the ac sine wave
provide less energy. It seems quite possible that the total energy
will be equal in the sync vs. non-sync case. It may be necessary to
the gap spacing also to fire reliably at the lower voltage, otherwise so
presentations will be missed, that the true break-rate may be no higher
not much higher) than 120 BPS, even with a high presentation rate gap.
Higher break-rates require the transformer to charge an uncharged cap
multiple times during each half cycle also resulting in lower
efficiency. I
don't know of any significant way to improve the performance of your (or
non-sync system, without of course using a larger transformer, cap,
which wouldn't prove anything since this would benefit a sync-gap system
also. You may have maxed out this coil arrangement.
There is no doubt that there are many compelling advantages to sync gap
useage. Still, many coilers achieve great results using non-sync gaps.
there's the fact that the meter will read differently at different
break-rates, etc, etc.
I've seen some evidence that the sparks behave "differently" at even
powers. It would be interesting to perform these kinds of tests over a
of power levels.
Still sync-gapping,
John Freau