
Re: Coil Efficiency (quenching)

From: 	FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Tuesday, July 29, 1997 3:29 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Coil Efficiency (quenching)

<<snip>     I would like to propose a two tests for quenching ability (and 
> you _have_ to use a scope and HV probe):
> (a) see whether you can quench a primary alone under single shot 
> conditions (best of luck). Does your airblast noticeably affect the 
> number of rings up to quench?


the quenching of my gaps also depend on successfully "draining" the
energy from the system quuickly.  I suspect that my quenching would
be miserable using a primary alone.  In general, I haven't had any luck
with air blasts in conjunction with my sync-gap, but I still have to try
the high volume method suggested by Dave Sharpe.

> (b) set a system up to quench first notch under single shot conditions
> and then progressively tighten coupling to the point where the quench 
> no longer works to first notch. Compare this setting with that which 
> you obtain with the air blower switched off. Is it the same for an 
> attached spark as for an air streamer? What do the results say about
> quenching affectiveness (yes, I think I already know the answers :)

I've done the test for free air vs. attached streamers some time ago; the 
quench moves from 1st notch to 2nd notch.  I can't remember if I used 
a hard ground.  The gap can only accomplish so much, good quenching 
depends greatly on obtaining reasonable impedance matching.  (I know
you know all this   :)

John Freau
> Malcolm