
Re: 5 ft arcs on 2 inch coil!!

From: 	chestnic[SMTP:chestnic-at-cvn-dot-net]
Sent: 	Saturday, July 26, 1997 8:52 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: 5 ft arcs on 2 inch coil!!

Tesla List wrote:
> From:   FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
> Sent:   Friday, July 25, 1997 3:20 AM
> To:     tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject:        Re: 5 ft arcs on 2 inch coil!!
> In a message dated 97-07-24 23:23:44 EDT, you write:
> <<
>  >This morning I read an article in an old new scientist about sombody
> > geting 5 FOOT
> > ARCS FROM A 2 INCH COIL!!! 2 INCHES!!!! he had 10 layers of a special 50
> > gauge wire and an input voltage of 7.5kv at 150ma.
>   >>
> Was this a 2" diameter coil, or a 2" long coil?  Were the layers in series,
> or in parallel?  Is this a Tesla coil, or an induction coil?
> John Freau
it was a two inch high coil it did not say how it was wired it is a
tesla coil