
Re: Power input vs. spark length

From: 	FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Saturday, July 19, 1997 9:16 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Power input vs. spark length

John C, All,

You are correct, a particular coil will be most efficient at a certain input
power.  If the power input to that coil is changed, it will fail to meet the
square law results.  But I am not advocating changing the input power 
to a *particular* coil...we must always run our coils at the power level
that gives the greatest effiency (at least when we're measuring efficiency).

The square law is useful only for comparing the efficiency of DIFFERENT 
coils, each one optimized for a particular power level.  In my original post,
I described the results of TWO DIFFERENT coils, and how the relationship
BETWEEN the two followed the square law.  In other words, the square 
law is not to be used by varying the power to a certain coil.  Rather it is
useful for predicting how a larger or smaller coil, THAT IS OPTIMIZED 
FOR ITS POWER LEVEL, might be expected to perform.

I should clarify also that the chart I posted earlier is simply based on
two coils that I built.  I am not suggesting that the figures in this chart
in any way LIMITS the efficiency of any coil.  In other words, someone
may built a coil that is twice as efficient as my coils.  If this is done,
we must raise the expectations of other coils at all other power levels

I hope I succeeded in stating clearly what I'm saying about the 
square law as applied to TC comparisons and efficiencies.

Comments welcomed,

John Freau