Re: Power versus Spark Length
From: tesla[SMTP:tesla-at-ixx.se]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 1997 10:53 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Power versus Spark Length
At 23:12 1997-07-15 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 1997 5:32 PM
>To: Tesla List
>Subject: Re: Power versus Spark Length
>Matthias Andersson wrote:
>> This 5.1 MW coil, is it something that someone is going to build
>> or....?
>> Just curious because that would be one heck of a system!!
>No, I doubt that it would ever be built, it is just a coil that
>I designed when the DOE started sending their engineers to
>'project management' classes, in order to reduce waste <<smiley>.
>Each engineer had to choose a 20 to 50 man-year project and
>calculate the various schedules, Gantt charts, WBS and cost
>breakdown structures. I chose to build a twin coil system whose
>size was right at the upper practical design limit.
>Here are some numbers that dropped out of the design set:
>Tower Dimensions
> Total Height - 85 feet
> Diameter - 22 feet
> Total Weight - 48500 lbs, per tower
> Toroid Size - 12 feet high, 44 feet OD
>Power Consumption - 5.1 MW at 380 PPS
>Mains Requirements - 12470V 3PH DELTA, 275A, 0.9PF
>Output Arc Length - 270 feet
>WBS Total - 45 man-year(non-contract), 27 months project duration
>CBS Total - 3700 k$
>Funny, I seemed to be the only one that was enjoying the project
>management class! I don't personally know anyone who is both
>crazy and rich enough to fund such a thing; but surely I would
>drop everything I'm doing now, to work on such a project.
Hehe, i bet you would. Mee too without any hesitation.
Why don't we contact a filthy rich oil sheik who has done everything twice
and can't seem to find anything to spend his money on....
Let's go surfin' in the sahara....... =)
Anyway interesting specs, thanks!
<fontfamily><param>Times New
<bold> Matthias "Tesla" Andersson
</paraindent></bold> <bold>http://www.ixx.se/usr/tesla/default.htm
</bold> <italic>-"Why am i glowing in the dark?"