Help w/ Big Tube Coil
From: Jeff W. Parisse[SMTP:jparisse-at-ddlabs-dot-com]
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 1997 11:34 AM
To: 'Tesla List'
Subject: Help w/ Big Tube Coil
At last month's TRW swap meet, I picked up two barely used 250W transmitting tubes. Last week, I purchased sockets, a filament transformer and a plate power supply and am now ready to start planning construction of my first tube coil. Brent Turner is going to help me put it all together (his book is a tremendous Tesla Coil resource that every beginner, intermediate or advanced coiler should have) but I'd also like to get the group's input.
The Specs:
Tubes: CDR 250TH, PlateMax: 4kV, 350mA, Filament: 5Vac, 10.5A
Filament Transformer: 5Vac, 30A
Plate Power Supply: 2800Vdc, 680mA
The Questions:
1. Is a feedback coil the best (easiest?) way to pulse the grid of a CW TC?
2. What primary/secondary size and arrangement should be best for this power level?
3. Why do the secondaries of most tube coils appear to break the classic W:H rules (i.e. too tall & skinny).
4. Can/Should a toroid be used?
5. Any additional comments, suggestions?...
We're going to post start to finish construction details on our web site.
Jeff W. Parisse
Art Director, Digital Design Laboratories
www.ddlabs-dot-com 1-800-796-1138