

From: 	Richard Smit[SMTP:esmit-at-ilink.nis.za]
Sent: 	Saturday, July 12, 1997 10:59 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com


At last I'm back at the list again. (Out computor gave in, first windows got
slower, then out cd-rom drive didn't work and then out computer screen got

Today I'm going to read a lot of messages and I've got a lot to share with
you all.

This week, my friend and I, played with my Tesla Coil, I've made several
strange discoverys. Here it comes:

1. Well I have build a small magnifier coil, (how I think it works) I
connected all of the hardware and it magnified a 4 mm spark from my driver
to about 5 cm to my extra coil. I made a magnifier almost the same and put
it next to the other one.                                  
          o\      0                         o
o \     0  extra coil             o extra coil    
          o  \    0                         o            
--------0 o   \   0           0-------------o                          
        0 o    \  0           0                                          
        0 o     \ 0           0 driver primary (only connected to extra
coil)   --------0 o      \0           0                                  

I used the free magnifier on the right to touch without getting hurt,
because it can have an arc coming from the 60Hz currents.
When my friend and I touched the magnifier(the free standing one on the
right) and moved out fingers from the top to the bottom, we found something
strange. As you know the top has high voltage there. Voltage were like this
from top to bottom, high,low,high as at the top, then low again, and high. 

2. The second strange thing we came upon was when my friend was touching the
free magnifier (he held his hands away from the top terminal so that the
spark don't go to his finger), when he brought his hands closer there were a
lot of corona coming down, but when I tried that, nothing happened. Later we
found that when whe touch an earthed object and go to the coil and want to
touch it, there won't be any corona(it's as if you are neutral then, but
once the spark had jumped to our fingers then there would be a lot of corona
at the discharge point wanting to go to my fingers. Oh yeh, it seems as my
body is more neutral than my friend, the strange effects only happens to him.

I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to tell you.

Here comes a few questions that I have thought about and want to know more?
1. What is the difference in performance between the following coils
inductances? What effect will it have on your coil's performance?
    1.one coil's primary is 53 uH and the secondary coil is 9000 uH
    2. The primary coil is 53 uH and the secondary is 3000uH

See yah
|Richard Smit  | Telephone: +27-525-32634                  		 |
|P.O.Box 566   | Email:     esmit-at-ilink.nis.za                           |
|Bultfontein   | Age:       17 years old                                 |
|9670          | Hobbies:   Tesla Coils; Computors; Paranormal; UFO's    |
|South Africa  | Birthday:  5 October 1979                               |