
Re: SERIOUS QUESTION and why we may be out of this hobby!

>>> Well, I contacted a friend at a TV station and he advised me that the FCC
>>> says (NEW LAW) that tesla coils,plasma balls, and similar devices fall under
>>> this new law and if you are caught operating them could face serious fines.
>>> Information unlimited also says that plasma balls will no longer be sold due
>>> to this law, what is going on here????????????????????????????????????
     [ snip ]
Don't call me a liar, call the technician that told me this one, I merely
asked a question and brought his statement up here for all to see.

>   I have no idea whether this story is true or not.
>   However, if this is true, personally I welcome some tightening of
>   QRM/RFI regulations in general.  The EMI pollution-suppression
>   requirements for new personal computers was certainly most welcome.
>   As an avid AM-broadcast-band DX'er, I find RF interference from all
>   sources is getting worse.  Light dimmers are really bad, as are
>   older models of personal computers.  As pointed out many times on
>   this list and the others, properly made, properly grounded,
>   properly shielded Tesla Coils should be no problem at all, but I
>   know from private mail, from experience and from just listening to
>   this and other forums that such precautions are not always taken.
>   Something that I would personally find morally **intolerable** is
>   operating a TC and causing sparks in my neighbor's home.  This is
>   extremely tasteless and rude and crude.  The TC operator very
>   likely doesn't know what the neighbor is doing, and given any
>   flammable liquids there is a real danger of ignition.

Really, remote viewing eh?

  This is not
>   to mention destroying or interfering with the neighbor's electronic
>   equipment.  Such actions are immoral and simply **intolerable**,
>   and yet it is without a doubt correct that such actions have been
>   justified on this list and comments supporting such a stand have
>   been passed by the moderator.  I state fact.
>    [ snip ]
>>The guy at the TV station did a great job of putting the fear of God into 
>>you.  The FCC has no way of isolating the average Tesla coil's location 
>>without being in the neighborhood while you are running it.
>   That's not exactly true, Richard.  Here is where some experience
>   from really old ham-radio people (much older than I) is handy. 
>   Have you ever heard of a grid-dip meter?  The Grid-dip meter is
>   like a combination 'sonar' and shot-gun microphone for RF devices. 
>   It normally isn't very directional, but it certainly *can* be made
>   directional.  And it works at **several meters** distant.  We used
>   them here at TRIUMF during installation of the RF system.  If the
>   FCC had some idea of the frequency the TC was running at, and what
>   neighborhood blocks to look in, then in principle anybody with the
>   right fancy equipment could scan buildings from the outside for a
>   resonant device at that frequency, even with the device's power
>   off!  It could conceivably be done from a van driving up and down
>   the back lanes.  ("Shades of 'Mission Impossible'", you say!)
>   Of course, it would depend on how well the TC building was
>   shielded. But if the EM radiation was getting out, that kinda makes
>   me think that the probe-field from the grid-dip meter could get in
>   and detect the coil.
>  [ snip ]
>>All the best of luck.  Again, I have heard of no new Federal laws on TC 
>>related devices.  I do know that there are always a lot of new 
>>federal laws coming onto the books and I definitely know of no recent 
>>ones that make any sense.
>>"The government that governs least, governs best.   - Thomas Jefferson
>>This is known as the Jeffersonian principle.
>>Richard Hull, TCBOR
>   Richard clearly made a political statement here.  Chip, you allowed
>   it.  Why?  The door is wide open and you've got your hand on the
>   door handle.  I sincerely hope you keep it open for me, for I
>   should have the same right on the side of Law and Order and Human
>   Decency as Richard has for promoting Anarchy.  This time, Chip, I
>   request equal time.  If you want, close the door after I get my
>   equal time.
>   There needs to be laws against driving drunk.  Why?  To protect the
>   innocent's lives and their Human Rights.  There needs to be laws
>   against fraud for the same reasons.  In fact, when you get right
>   down to it, if there weren't people who would do these things then
>   we wouldn't need laws.  Result?  We are all under Law today.  And
>   the good laws are based on the Biblical Golden Rule - "do unto
>   others as you would have them do unto you".  Then there is the
>   'negative' form of that law, which is also good, "don't do
>   something unto others if you don't want them to do it to you". 
>   These two rules comprise the thing we call Human Decency.  And the
>   right to expect Human Decency from all others is what we call Human
>   Rights.
>   Speaking in general here, one must come to realize that there
>   *needs* to be enforcement of rules because, human nature being as
>   varied as it is, there is a certain portion of humanity who either
>   don't know what they are doing and therefore need guidance, or else
>   they do know and they don't care, and still decide to act like pigs
>   when it comes to other people's human safety and human rights. 
>   Thus we need law enforcement and education, to get such people
>   gently back into line.  Gentle guidance.  I'm not necessarily
>   speacking of punishment, however.
> Fred W. Bach ,    Operations Group        | Internet: music-at-triumf.ca
> TRIUMF (TRI-University Meson Facility)    | Voice:  604-222-1047 loc 6327/7333
> 4004 WESBROOK MALL, UBC CAMPUS            | FAX:    604-222-1074
> University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA   V6T 2A3
> "Accuracy is important. Details can mean the difference between life & death."
> These are my opinions, which should ONLY make you read, think, and question.
> They do NOT necessarily reflect the views of my employer or fellow workers.

For Gods sake, I did not intend this to become a political debate or fight
between hams and coilers!!!!!!!! Pull yourselves together folks! WHY DON'T
YOU CALL INFO UNLIMITED AND ASK! The law has something to do with non use of
spark gap devices.(period)

i am only relaying what was told to me, I did that to get some facts from
other more experienced people (YOU) and here you are fighting, something I
NEVER thought I would see here. I DO NOT impose my personal laws or beliefs
on others and try to live by that rule. I think the statement made by? About
sparks in the neighbors home was out of line. I stand down here and now, I
might not be as $$ well off as all of you to just go and buy filters when I
need them. alas I have them now though!
