
Re: Microwave Xformer

>job and they are easy to get.  A better transformer is a real plate 
>transformer easily obtained at many hamfests for $10-$100.  Tube TC's 
>can be made from about 100 watts up. 

Do plate transformers produce a dramatic increase in efficency?

>You could make a small system with an old B&W or better yet color, all vacuum
>single 809 tube. Such a transformer could actually power a pair of these tubes 

How small is a small system? I dont want to make a huge one, but I want it
to be a nice tube coil... I have made some small spark gap coils, etc....
But I have a thing for tubes. The glow is just so... WARM! :)

>and one of them will surely give you for free a complete tube TV chassis if 

Okay, that is a good suggestion. I will call around and see if I can pull
one off of em...

>Whatever transformer you get, a variac to vary the plate voltage is a real
aid >in tuning and running your coil.

Okay. I have a twenty amp variac already. Is that big enough to handle a coil?

>If you have further questions, I'm sure there are a few of us here 
>now that will gladly hold your hand until you can put it next to the 
>events horizon of your new brush discharge.  Touching it will then be up 
>to you! : )

I GREATLY appreciate it!!! I am sure I will need lotsa help! I am going to
start collecting parts, etc...

Thanks again,