Re: Tube Coil
Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: SSNSanders-at-aol-dot-com Mon Jan 27 22:09:29 1997
> Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 15:41:26 -0500 (EST)
> From: SSNSanders-at-aol-dot-com
> To: Tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Tube Coil
> Do I use RF chokes on the Sec. lines of the xformer on a tube coil. Do I
> rectify the output and feed the system with DC or does the tube preform this
> function. Is the pri/sec a normal Tesla setup driven by the tube arrangement.
> Im thinking of using an 811-a in a "Hartly Oscillator" design. It appears
> that the pri. in the tank is center tapped to ground. Im going to try a
> microwave transformer, and buy a filament transformer depending on the
> voltage of the 811-A , I think its 10v but Ill find out for sure. Stephen
> S.
Forget the Hartley design. The 'classic' tube coil schematic is
a hybrid of an Armstrong oscillator and a class-C amplifier. The tank
circuit is in series with the plate, and is pulsed in proper phase
with a grid winding. You get more bang for the buck this way, plus
the grid loading and such won't tweak the circuit out of frequency.
- Brent (bturner-at-apc-dot-net)