
Re: Coilers responsibility

At 10:25 PM 1/13/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: daniel_hess-at-VNET.IBM.COM Mon Jan 13 21:55:46 1997
>Date: Mon, 13 Jan 97 08:59:43 CST
>From: daniel_hess-at-VNET.IBM.COM
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Coilers responsibility
>[NOTE: This issue is certainly worthy of discussion.  Squabbling, flaming, 
> name calling, etc.  will not be tolerated however. -- Chip ]
> cage is out the question, I now have a coil, 2 lasers (Very big) and my
> other electronic junk in my play room, no room, money, or time to construct
> a cage.
>I have a friend who is an avid hunter and outdoorsman. He asked me once if
>I knew what a slob-hunter was. I told him that after being out in the woods
>for a few days, devoid of any personal hygiene, we'd all be slob-hunters.
>He said no and explained that a s/h is someone who calls himself a hunter
>and then proceeds to shoot at road signs, insulators and so on. Basically a
>slob with a gun and a hunting license.
>I think that as coilers, a group of people who's hobby may interfere with
>the peace and serenity of others, we have a responsibility to engage in our
>hobby in such a way as to cause non-interference with our neighbors. If that
>eans constructing a faraday cage then so be it. If a faraday cage or any
>componet is required to remain at peace with my neighbors, then I consider
>that componet to be just another part of my Tesla coil system. How ludicrous
>would I sound if I said,"I have this big 'ole transformer and a wonderful
>coil but I don't have the time or money for a primary capacitor. But gosh,
>my coil doesn't work! Can anybody help me out here?"
>Heck, I'd love to go squirrel hunting out behind my house but in a large
>city like Dallas, I don't think my neighbors, (not to mention the law,)
>would really appreciate, nor put up with, my enthusiasm for such a passtime.
>The scuba-diving industry has been largely successful at keeping all forms
>of government out of their business, (with the exception of the air tanks,
>DOT regs), And that's not by accident. By strenuously promoting and teaching
>safety, their industry remains mostly accident free, therefore not inviting
>the safety natzis to govern them.
>Lets not invite trouble nor a low opinion of ourselves by operating as
>Thanks, Daniel Hess

I have no room to construct a cage period. I was wondering what my options
are, I have not FIRED MY COIL since the new find of telephone RFI and won't
untill I find some  way to shield it. I can cover the caps and gap system
with a metal box and bring it to ground but that is it as far as any type of
cage goes. I am also going to build a small coil as this may reduce the rfi,
I hope.
I am looking for answers not flames, hunting has nothing to do with coiling
but you made a point so... BTW, I hunt, fish, dive, fly, and I have never
had trouble nor have I put insulators in my sights. I have had animals in my
sights and people (call of duty) but never once have I shot and killed a
insulator sign or person. I did shoot and kill some cans though. Seroiusly,
I really don't have any room for a cage, if I did I would build it over my
As for you Daniel (and Fred as I know you are reading and turning red), my
coil has not been on and won't untill I can find that magic device to block
the RFI or line noise. My question has not been answered, however.........

 How ludicrous
>would I sound if I said,"I have this big 'ole transformer and a wonderful
>coil but I don't have the time or money for a primary capacitor. But gosh,
>my coil doesn't work! Can anybody help me out here?"
I do not have the space or room for my coil almost, I was looking for line
filters better that what I have, the ones I use are made by ISOBAR. 

                                            Kevin Nardelle

   * T   E   S   L   A      C   O   I   L   S *
Kevin Nardelle   knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
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