At 10:25 PM 1/22/97 -0700, you wrote:
>> Subject: Re: Very COOL AVI
>Subscriber: unknown-at-apc-dot-net Wed Jan 22 21:38:36 1997
>Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 02:10:08 -0800
>From: Open Minded <unknown-at-apc-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Very COOL AVI
>Tesla List wrote:
>> Subscriber: knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net Tue Jan 21 22:41:10 1997
>> Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 00:33:46 -0600
>> From: Kevin Nardelle <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
>> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>> Subject: Re: Very COOL AVI
>> A
>> >Kevin,
>> >
>> >You're approaching the point where the power level and efficiency of
>> >your coil will cause permanent damage to the computer in your room. The
>> >MOS devices used in your computer are very sensitive, and unforgiving,
>> >to over-voltage. The cables going to your mouse, keyboard, and monitor
>> >are acting as antennas and are picking up the RF radiating from your
>> >coil and piping it into your machine.
>> >
>> >The lock-ups you're seeing are a warning. You need to provide more
>> >physical separation between the coil and the computer, or any to other
>> >sensitive electronic equipment. Experienced coilers never keep any solid
>> >state electronic equipment in the same room with an operating Tesla
>> >Coil. Simply turning off the computer will _not_ protect it.
>> >
>> >Safe coilin' and, hopefully, continued computin' to ya!
>> >
>> >-- Bert --
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Bert,
>> I hear ya man, I know where you are comming from as I have already fried a
>> 16Meg simm with the coil, wheh the memory prices have fallen. I know the
>> computer is at risk and I an trying to figure where I am going to continue
>> this coilin', last night I was robed, I WAS going to do it in the detached
>> garage BUT they broke in and got the bike. It could have been a coil. I did
>> however (JUST BY CHANCE ALONE) manage to scare the SH%$ out the bad guy by
>> running my coil suddenly at 2AM, it is located right next to a window and
>> the bad guy jumped and knocked over a bench when I powered it up. I had no
>> idea I was being ripped off though. I did look but saw nothing. Anyhow, the
>> point is: Where an I going to coil now? I can't think of anything but
>> pulling everything out into the yard when I wanna play with it.
>> Will the humidity screw something up, this New Orleans, home of humidity.
>> Regards,
>> Kevin Nardelle
>Kevin -
> Sorry to hear about your experience with the negative side of our
>society. Regarding where to coil, how about placing it in a plastic
>enclosure to protect it from the elements and sticking it in the
>yard or something. Hang a picture and a sign on it which reads:
>"Danger: 1 MILLION ohms. Trespassers will be ionized." or something
>like that... ;-)
If I put the work MILLION on it, they will steal it to buy some rocks.
Infact they will steal anything. NO WAY can I put it in my back yard, my
garage is not even safe.
> I had set up a coil many, many years ago over at a friend's house
>for Halloween. We had it in the front yard, and 'planted' in the
>ground was a bunch of flourescent tubes. (Safety precautions were in
>effect at ALL times...) We placed a few litle signs on the tubes which
>stated "Force Field: Trespassers WILL be vaporized." Needless to say,
>my friend's house was the only one on the block not to get egged or
>- Brent (bturner-at-apc-dot-net)
Kevin Nardelle
* T E S L A C O I L S *
Kevin Nardelle knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
My main web page IS UP all TESLA
related with lotsa pictures and links.
Non related sites I have
The Louisiana Swamps Online (Under construction)
From bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com Thu Jan 23 22:43:04 1997
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 09:24:55 -0800
From: Bert Hickman <bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Very COOL AVI
Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net Tue Jan 21 22:41:10 1997
> Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 00:33:46 -0600
> From: Kevin Nardelle <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: Very COOL AVI
> A
> >Kevin,
> >
> >You're approaching the point where the power level and efficiency of
> >your coil will cause permanent damage to the computer in your room.
> >-- Bert --
> >
> >
> >
> Bert,
> I hear ya man, I know where you are comming from as I have already fried a
> 16Meg simm with the coil, wheh the memory prices have fallen. I know the
> computer is at risk and I an trying to figure where I am going to continue
> this coilin', last night I was robed, I WAS going to do it in the detached
> garage BUT they broke in and got the bike. It could have been a coil. I did
> however (JUST BY CHANCE ALONE) manage to scare the SH%$ out the bad guy by
> running my coil suddenly at 2AM, it is located right next to a window and
> the bad guy jumped and knocked over a bench when I powered it up. I had no
> idea I was being ripped off though. I did look but saw nothing. Anyhow, the
> point is: Where an I going to coil now? I can't think of anything but
> pulling everything out into the yard when I wanna play with it.
> Will the humidity screw something up, this New Orleans, home of humidity.
> Regards,
> Kevin Nardelle
Sorry to hear that you were robbed! Can you move the computer to a safer
location in another area of the house? If not, running your coil outside
should be fine. The wind may prevent the streamers from forming as
nicely. Also, high humidity may cause problems with untreated PVC or
unsealed wood. You can dry the stuff out with a heat lamp, and then
quickly seal it with several coats of high-gloss polyurethane/spar
varnish, _inside_ and out.
On my system, (in an unheated enclosed porch), the effects of high
humidity are flashovers inside the Richard Quick static spark gaps, and
lower coil output voltage due to higher leakage currents in the PVC
secondary coilform. Watch out for any signs of repeated flashovers,
since these can lead to carbon tracking and permanent shorting.
Otherwise, you should be perfectly fine running outside. BTW, last year
one fellow on this list was tring to run his coil in a rain forest (talk
about high humidity!!), and apparently was never successful. Once he
moved the system indoors into an air-conditioned environment, the coil
operated just fine. If you get near 100% humidity, and start getting a
water film or condensation ("sweating") on your equipment, then _all_
bets are off - Try another day!
Safe coilin' to you!
-- Bert --