
Re: Sockets for 811A's

> > Hi,
> > 
> >               I'm looking for sockets for four 811A's. I live in
> > Finland and they cost here about 80$ each. If someone knows where to
> > get these cheaper I would like to hear from you.
> > 
> > 
> > ****************************
> >        Tero Ranta
> > 
> > Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil Page:
> > http://www.icenet.fi/~dixie/
> > ****************************
> HI
> I know sockets are expensive and hard to find I have had the same problem.  
> There is a way around this problem.  Buy 3  L shape brackets from the lumber 
> yard.  Or make 3 L brackets from sheet metal.  I have made L brackets 
> from an empty metal can or (Pork & Bean) can. Mount the 3 brackets in a 
> circle around the tube and screw them down to some type of insulation 
> material.  I have used 1/2 plywood 3" by 3" for the insulation material.  
> After the brackes are mounted to the plywood hold the tube up about 1" above 
> the plywood with the 3 L brackets touching the side of the metal tube base.  
> Put a hose clamp around the brackets and tube base.  Tighten the clamp enough 
> to hold it.  Be careful if the tube base is phenolic it breaks easy.  You can 
> attach wire to the tube pin several ways.  Aligator clips work, wire wrap 
> works, I like to solded the wire to the tube pins. 

Peter W. Dahl Co. sells chassis mount tube sockets for 811A's for $10.00. These 
are heavy duty with bayonet locking.

Welborne Labs sells chassis mount tube sockets for 811A's for $3.25.

Check my homepage for links to these companies. 

Tero Ranta

Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil Page: