

Welp, seeing as there are no good books on Tesla Coils, why don't we make
one?  I mean, under Linux there's a thing called the Linux Documentation
Project.  The LDP maintains a web page full of documents called HOWTOs.
These HOWTOs are maintained by individual authors, with Greg Hankins
managing the show.  Every so often, a book is published containing all the
of the HOWTOs.  When this book is published, the royalties for the book
are distributed to the authors based on the number of pages their doc took
up.  I suggest we start something similar, the Tesla Coil Documentation
Project.  A non-profit organization devoted to documenting Tesla Coils and
theory.  I'm pretty sure I could get free web space, all we'd need is
someone to manage the "InfoFiles", or whatever we choose to call them.
Then, once we have a decent number of doc's put together, we can publish a
book.  That way, Tesla coil's will _finally_ be documented well.  What do
you guys think?  I can run it, or (even better :) Chip could or whomever.
If everyone's in favour of the idea, I'll go about obtaining free web
space.  How does:
sound?  TTYL!

                        Paul Anderson
    Author of Star Spek(a tongue in cheek pun on Star trek)
e-mail: starspek-request-at-lowdown-dot-com with subscribe as the subject
I hear it's hilarious.               Maintainer of the Tips-HOWTO.
            "We are like the Canadian BORG, eh?"