My capacitors shown here
[ NOTE: Image is coming later tonight. -- Chip]
Note the size of the capaticor to the pack of smokes, the oil fill line and
the bolt legnth. 6 Tbs of salt to water.
I have seven caps in at the moment, if I add two more the spark gets wimpy
(smaller) and I have to retune (Move) the tap but still I don't get the same
sparks as having seven. I thought if I was to add more caps the sparks would
be larger, BTW I have not yet changed over to the new tank configuration and
still have the caps across the neon with the dinky wire gaps. Last night I
built some tungsten twin gaps and I will be installing them later but for
now I want to figure this one out.
Here is the picture uuencoded for Chip :))
The capacitor measures at .819 nf each.
The total of seven is at .006 uf or 6.44 nf
Is my calculation correct?
[Part 2, Application/OCTET-STREAM (Name: "CAPACITR.JPG") 43KB]
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[ Part 3: "Attached Text" ]
* T E S L A C O I L S *
Kevin Nardelle knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
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