
Re: The "Medhurst" method for the self-capacitance of an ai

Hello Micheal,

>   Malcolm Watts sent me a copy of his BASIC program that calculates 
> the self- capacitance of an air-core coil using the "Medhurst" 
> method.  I examined the BASIC program and found that it have a bad 
> data point in the "H" array.  Note that the H values go down to 0.46 
> and then increase.  Line #260 ends in 0.46, 0.46,0.46 and line #270 
> starts with 0.7,0.48,0.5,0.52. The 0.7 at the start of line #270 
> should be 0.47.  To verify this I plotted the data and got a smooth 
> curve by assuming 0.47 while 0.7 results in a very noticeable spike.

Thanks for picking that one up. Finger trouble. It would have been a 
problem for a small band of h/d ratios < 1  :(
