
Re: Book on Tesla Coil and HV

At 10:38 PM 1/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net Fri Jan 24 22:36:50 1997
>Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 11:07:03 -0800
>From: Gary Weaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Book on Tesla Coil and HV
>Sorry to hear you bought Gordon McCombs 55 space age projects.  I have the 
>same book.  I have not found any project in the book that works.  Unless you 
>have a reprint with curcuit changes the circuit drawings are wrong.  Plasma 
>Sphere project 3 circuit will not work.  A simular circuit is listed on the 
>internet that does work.  Project 4 which is the same circuit as project 6 
>the Tesla coil does not work. The circuit is wrong.  If you make some
>the circuit will work but it will not power the tesla coil. The tesla coil 
>secondary produces no output at all.  If you change project 6 circuit so it 
>will work it makes a better plasma sphere than project 3.  My book is copy 
>write 1990.  This book will cause you to get very frustrated and mad.  I 
>would suggest returning the book for a refund.
Hey gary, Thanks alot. If I recall, I remember some other people on this
list complaining of a book that has projects that don't work. Must have
been this one!
I guess it was a good Idea to save the receipt for it. I can return it
before feb. 14th (30-day refund policy). Project #3, Plasma sphere, That
flyback driver looks very similar to the schematic i retrieved from the ftp
site. Would it also work to use a 555 timer and a single 2N3055 to drive
the primary on the flyback? If so, Should I use the same home-made primary?
(10 turns,) The idea for the single Transistor came from the "High-tension
Induction Coil" project, the one used to drive an auto-ignition coil... 
Thanks, I was intending on hand-copying the schematics and returning the
book anyways;)
Also, what do you think of that rotary spark gap for the tesla project
listed in the book? It's different than the other spark gaps I've seen
discussed on this list.
Instead of having the electrodes on opposite sides of a conductive disk, it
has a bolt going through a plexiglass disk that functions as the gap....


Question Reality......