
TCDP developments.

I've been talking with Chip, he feels it's a good idea to start the Tesla
Coil Documentation Project, so, if there are no objectations I'll be
running it.  The doc's will be called infofiles, and I'd like them to be
submitted in TeX format for several reasons:

* It's portable, TeX is available for UNIX, Macs, DOS and OS/2,

* A book publisher can print a book directly from the output,

* It directly supports doing mathematical equations as they should be
done(this was the death-knell of SGML and HTML, as formulae can be oh so
very important)

* Allows you to dump in PostScript images,

* It's free:)

If anyone wants more info on TeX and LaTeX or the TCDP and submitting
infofiles, gimme an e-mail.  If there's enough interest in this, and we
get together a decent number of infofiles, there will be a book and the
royalties therefrom will be distributed on a basis of page count(fairest
way I know, it's the way the LDP does it).  I'll be getting a web page up
soon, BTW.  TTYL!

                        Paul Anderson
    Author of Star Spek(a tongue in cheek pun on Star trek)
e-mail: starspek-request-at-lowdown-dot-com with subscribe as the subject
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