
Re: Sending 100,000V through Yourself

Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: goodman-at-math.utah.edu Sat Jan 11 19:15:58 1997
> Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 08:48:35 -0700 (MST)
> From: Micah <goodman-at-math.utah.edu>
> Subject: Sending 100,000V through Yourself
>         Hello!  I was wondering if anyone out there has setup a TC that
> produces enough voltage to 'light' up your entire body?  I'm guessing you
> need around 100KV.  I've seen a picture from the 1940's(?) that shows an
> old man lit up like a christmas tree; with sparks going about 6 inches
> from all of his body.
>         Also I've been working w/ Kirlian photography for a while and was
> looking for some help with new designs.  I have a design that uses a 4049
> Hex inverter,TIP 120, and a NTE2398 MOSFET.  The main reason for this
> design is for the 50% duty cycle. I'm also using a car xfrmer.
>         I'm looking for new designs that will use more voltage and still be in
> the range of 5Khz-20Khz, and even lower.  And also I was wondering how I
> could modulate the HV with voice? it doesn't have to be audible in the
> HV it just needs to modulate the AM in the HV output.
>         Does anyone know what the lowest frequency you can put out of a TC coil?
>           Merry Coiling!
> ~~^~~~^~~^~~~^~^~~~^~~~~^~~~^^^~~^~^^~^~^^^~~^~~~~^^~~^~~^^~~^^^~~^
>   'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance'
> Goodman-at-math.utah.edu
> http://www.math.utah.edu/~goodman       Micahs Home of the FREE! (:

 Check out some of my pic's at:


There are several which show me sitting atop my large Tesla coil.

Tesla coils can go as low as you want in freq - I've seen them go
as low as 60-80 KHz.

- Brent  (bturner-at-apc-dot-net)