Strange Coil Pictures
I am looking to find out more about a photo of a coil that appears on
KneelyNet BBS [http://www.bdsnet-dot-com/~tabastian/images/hardy1.gif] which
shows what is referred to as a tesla coil driving a pyramid shaped
terminator. This terminator seemingly results in a double helix corona
spiral off the top of it (real neat if its real).
Was wondering if anyone on the list who has done some coil discharge
photography could render an opinion of the likelyhood of the photo being
Also wondering if anyone would have more info about how to reach the creator
(Doug Benjamin?) so as to find out the speks of the pyramid shape and
particulatly what happens at the top (apex) of the pyramid.
Does anyone know anything about "Vanguard Sciences?" Sounds a bit fringe to