

>Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 01:58:51 -0600
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>From: Kevin <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
>Subject: GOT IT!


I think I am on to something, I made a Mike Hammer gap and I just fired it
tonight, it worked wonderful!! I got 2 1/2 foot sparks from my coil but they
came from a single spot on the last air wound part of the secondary. Nothing
at all came from the 7 inch brass ball I tried to use. The tap was just
clamped on the 9th turn and must have been perfect because I tried changing
it and had negative results. For some reason I could not get the brass ball
to spark however the last wind on top was spectacular, it even lashed out at

I tried all my terminals including the doorknob (which was cool) and the
misfired brass ball was the best.

Sorry, hit the wrong buttonn. 
It seems that everything was almost perfect tonight except the sparks
breaking out the windings but it was still cool. Would anyone have a
explanation for this? I did try to re tune but had no results and the ball
did not spark. BTW the ball produced almost zero RFI in my phone and
television, there was a wimper here and there when the spark would hit the
window frame but the phone was in the same room as the coil so I think the
ball and new gaps solved my RFI problem. I also added a safety gap across
the neon to try and protect it.

                                            Kevin Nardelle

   * T   E   S   L   A      C   O   I   L   S *
Kevin Nardelle   knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
My main web page IS UP all TESLA
related with lotsa pictures and links.
Non related sites I have
The Louisiana Swamps Online (Under construction)