
Re: Top Toroid

>Subscriber: rhull-at-richmond.infi-dot-net Thu Jan 30 22:56:39 1997
>Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:27:28 -0500 (EST)
>From: richard hull <rhull-at-richmond.infi-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Top Toroid

>I trust these are calculated values!!!  I can almost tell due to the fact
>they are all in error from real world, honest to God, measured values.  A
>true, relative isolated toroid is usually about 25-30% lower in capacity
>than the calcs say it is.  My 12X3 spun unit is 7.8pf and my 5X20 is 15.1
>pf.  put them on a coil and they can appear to be even more than calculated!
>It's a crap shoot!  The thrust is that the math isn't even close for  any
>form of critical engineering purposes. Especially on small toroids.
	Does any one have voltage holdoff vs radius of curvature
values or formulas for toroids? Or suggestions for ROC vs power level?

I'm asking because I've bought my TC back on line and I only getting
2' air discharges from the toroid. WHAT you say! Only 2' discharges?
Yes but, there are about a dozen at once. I'm using a 15kV 60ma
transformer, 16nF primary cap, 120uH inverted cone primary, 8" by 20"
#22 secondary and a 27" by 3" toroid. The resonant frequency
(instrument measurement) is 133kHz.

Any suggestions for a toroid major and minor diameters for this?

