
Re: Top Toroid

>Subscriber: harris-at-parkave-dot-net Mon Feb  3 21:18:58 1997
>Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 16:56:35 -0500
>From: Ed Harris <harris-at-parkave-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Top Toroid
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>> Not at all. If the gap has a more-or-less fixed conduction voltage,
>> then losses scale as I. With a normal resistance they scale as I^2.
>> Case 1 is V*I, Case 2 is I^2*R
>Just wanted to point out that the fixed conduction voltage scenario is
>essentialy what would be predicted by Aryton's arc equation and leads
>to a linear decay rather than an exponential one  for a single LC circuit.
Hi Ed,
	Would you care to post Aryton's arc equation for us? Does it
have a variable resistance vs current term?  Any thought on modeling a
spark gap for tesla use?

