
Re: Pri/Sec coiling

> Is the coil winding something you guys take for granted? I mean, I am
> getting ready to build my first, and that thought came accross my mind
> many times, I saw pictures apon pictures of coiling, and they went the
> same direction, so I didn't give it any more thought. But I guess we all
> have it clear, they SHOULD wind in the same direction right?

[snip reply]
>Yup, on the standard pri-sec coil system, wind both windings in the same

No difference either way!

>> So the whole deal with magnifier coils is that they are directly
>> (inversely) out of phase, so each primary oscillation would cause both
>> secondaries to release at separate identical times? (Newbee alert ;).

[snip reply]
>Not quite. Magnifiers have all three coils wound in the same direction.

Unless I am totally mistaken (all too possible!), it shouldn't matter which
direction _any_ of the coils in a magnifier are wound in.  In a magnifier
you are just injecting a signal in the base of a coil, the same as you do
with your signal generator to find the resonant frequency.  Granted it's
one HELL of a powerful pulsed signal generator, but the concept of free
resonance is the same, and winding direction should be irrelevant.

Disclaimer: Yes I know there are some strange tuning things going on
between the secondary and tertiary, and it may well act as a distributed
resonance, so the signal generator analogy may not be entirely correct.

Spluttering, vein busting, enraged flames welcome!  (well maybe not now
that I think about it ;)

Charles Brush