
Re: Newbie's Coil

Re: "I was inspired by two books that must be long out of print, by an American
scientist by the name of A(Archie?) Collins, who was, I believe, a pioneer
of wireless telephony.  They were: "Electricity For Boys" and "Fun With
Electricity." They are listed as "missing" in the British Museum."
	Full name was Frederick Archie Collins and he did do pioneer
work on wireless telegraphy, and he was a prolific writer up until at
least the 1940's, as I recall.  Also, I think, he did time in prison
for stock swindles related to some of his wireless activities.  Maybe
someone can correct that last statement.  Anyhow, his writings were
quite sound and stuff build for them did work.
	Don't think a VDG of any reasonable size puts out enough
current to be useful for TC work.  Currents of 1 ma go with pretty
darn big machines, totally out of reason for this application.
Ed Phillips