
re:trasistorized tesla coils!!!

dear somebody,

      I have been searching all over the web and talking to people via
e-mail.I can't find anything on trasistorized tesla coils.If anybody
reads this,please send me all you know about them.Like
schematics,plans,pictures,or books about them.Please I'm getting
desperate!I must know how to build one.Send it to Shadowdragon1-at-Juno-dot-com


Be sure to check out the two solid-state schematics at
nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/electrical/tesla/misc/sstesla.gif and sstesla2.gif.
Also A good working transistor TC is Duane Bylund's in the Sept '91 issue
of Radio-Electronics. Some other ones include Brent Turner's in the Nov.
'94 issue of Electronics Now and the solid-state TC in Oct. '88 issue of
Hands-on Electronics. These are a few I'm aware of, but I hope if anyone
else knows of any other good sources of a solid-state TC they will post it
to the list also.

Jeff Detweiler