Re: Pig question
Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: teslacoil-at-mindspring-dot-com Thu Feb 13 22:08:14 1997
> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 20:36:17 -0500
> From: "Kevin M. Conkey" <teslacoil-at-mindspring-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Pig question
> Hello fellow pigger's,
> I am working on the controller for my Pig. It is a 19.9KV 15 KW unit.
> I read once that someone used 3- 2000W oven elements(8.33 ohms) in
> parallel for a resistance of 2.78 ohms.
> I have several air cooled power resistors ranging from 5kw to 30kw.
> I want as much flexability as possible.
> Could a few of you guys out there that use big pigs please tell me what
> resistances that you have needed to use at various times across your
> current control (welder)? And what power levels they would need to
> dissapate.
> Thankyou in advance,
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Hi Kevin,
Although many coilers do use resistive ballast in parallel with a
welder, I personally, do not. I operate coils from 2 KW to 13 KW from
two paralleled Lincoln AC-225-S arc welders and 5 to 15 KVA pole
trensformers with no problem. The welders are very smooth( no bucking or
thumping) and the current can be adjusted in very small increments. If
you want to be able to have infinitely adjustable current control, look
for welders which have a variable shunt rather than a switch on the
front panel.
That 19.9 KV pole is a great Tesla power supply. Nice find!
Happy and safe high power coiling,
Ed Wingate