Re: Pri/Sec coiling
At 11:39 PM 2/7/97 -0700, you wrote:
>> Subject: Re: Pri/Sec coiling
>Subscriber: pwac-at-flinet-dot-com Fri Feb 7 23:37:18 1997
>Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 22:40:42 +0500
>From: Jeremy Bair <pwac-at-flinet-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Pri/Sec coiling
>Tesla List wrote:
>Is the coil winding something you guys take for granted? I mean, I am
>getting ready to build my first, and that thought came accross my mind
>many times, I saw pictures apon pictures of coiling, and they went the
>same direction, so I didn't give it any more thought. But I guess we all
>have it clear, they SHOULD wind in the same direction right?
>So the whole deal with magnifier coils is that they are directly
>(inversely) out of phase, so each primary oscillation would cause both
>secondaries to release at separate identical times? (Newbee alert ;).
>If anyone here has ever built a tesla coil running off one 12Kv 30ma
>neon, let me know, this will be my first. And possibly make another with
>two 15kv neons ;) if the first is successfull, and I take it I will
>learn a GREAT deal of information upon the completion of the first?
>Isn't that what practice is?
>Also, let me know if these prices are cheap for used neons.
>12KV 30ma - 20$ (Franceformer)
>15KV 30ma - 25$ " "
>9KV 60ma - 20$ " "
>If they are good, I will order me up allot.
>Also, I need to know if it is definatly a must to remove the transformer
>from the tar and metal caseing, and why people do it? I have heard
>people saying they boiled theirs in desel to get the tar off, and at
>what cost?
>Thanks people! Also (Man I am loaded today!!) if anyone has any "safety"
>notes for neon transformers let me know, things like, power is left in
>the neon after being unplugged, but not discharged, use a light build in
>the series of the power in to prevent the neon from being over worked.
>Thanks again!
>Jeremy Bair
1. Winding direction in the standard two coil or magnifier is un-inmportant.
2. Anything under $25 is cheap for a "good" used neon transformer.
3. Never remove a good transformer from the metal casing.
4. Never hook a light bulb in series with the neon. They are internally
protected by magnetic shunts.
5. When power is truly off, the neon transformer, itself, is stone cold dead.
R. Hull, TCBOR