Re: Moody Bible Inst. Tesla Coil (fwd)
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Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 16:57:46 GMT
From: Robert Michaels <robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org>
To: mod1-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Moody Bible Inst. Tesla Coil (fwd)
-> When I was a kid growing up in Milwaukee Wisconsin, I saw this
-> demonstration! This was back in about 1958 or so. The guy's name was
-> George Speak if I remember correctly, and he was an
-> evangelist/scientist. He put on one _fantastic_ show, weaving science
Amazing -- that you remember the man's name. It does sound
familiar now that you mention it.
He was quite an evangelist -- after seeing his presentation I
repented and accepted Tesla into my life as the bearer of the
truth and the purveyor of the light.
[ ... ]
-> them for protection). They advertised this as a 1 Million Volt coil
-> (although it was probably actually less than half that). But incredibly
Yeh... It was a bold claim. But then as now, who among us
had the voltmeter with which to say otherwise?
[ ... ]
-> Anyone know whatever became of this rig??
-> -- Bert --
It's a good thing I don't know -- if it were to be available I'd
be sore tempted to buy, at most any cost.
Robert Michaels