
Re: Tube Coils (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 19:56:04 -0800 (PST)
From: "Edward V. Phillips" <ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu>
To: mod1-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re:  Tube Coils (fwd)

Re: Eimac tubes
	Some more candidates for pulsed coils are the VT-127A,
VT-227A, and VT-327A, which used to be dirt cheap on the surplus
market and which may still be hanging around.  They were intended
to work in self-pulsed (grid-blocking) oscillators running at
plate voltage of the order of 15 kV, and should put out pretty
good peak powers.  They are more like the 150T series, and have
very husky filaments to handle the high peak currents.  One could
rectify a neon transformer output to get the high voltage, and
take advantage of the transformer's current limiting.
	I don't have the ambition or time to try this myself, 
but would sure like to talk someone else into it!
Ed Phillips