
Re: H.F.Tester (fwd)

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Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 11:55:04 -0500 (EST)
From: SSNSanders-at-aol-dot-com
To: testla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: H.F.Tester (fwd)

In a message dated 97-02-22 01:04:51 EST, you write:

 	Plug it in and if it kicks out sparks of 3/4" plus it
 is probably the standard vacuum tester (and destroyer of weak
 seals) commonly used in vacuum work.  May have a vibrator adjustment
 or something of the kind.  Ones I have seen are almost always
 packaged in brown bakelite, with fairly heavy "needle" on the
 HV end. >>
Look on your web search for high voltage, it list a BLUE RAY or VIOLET RAY
and it is the machine you talk about still for sale but like everything else
is a little too expensive for what you get I think.    Stephen Sanders