Tube Coils (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 16:39:49 +1200
From: Malcolm Watts <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
To: mod1-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
Subject: Tube Coils
Hi all,
I have found a couple of brand new 805's lurking in a dusty
corner. I have also found the data for them. From comments I have
heard it would seem they are rather far removed from the 803's but
definitely a cut above 807's. I would welcome comments from anyone as
to their suitability for a tube coil. They are triodes which makes
things easier. I guess the idea is to operate the pair in parallel in
Class C. I have designed audio valve stuff using the characteristic
curves before, but not transmitting-type gear. Suggestions gratefully