
Re: oil for caps

From: 	Bill Lemieux[SMTP:gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com]
Sent: 	Tuesday, December 23, 1997 12:40 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: oil for caps

Ray wrote:
> I'm in the process of making my first rolled cap.
> Easy question. What kind of oil can be used besides tansformer oil?
> Oil substitutes?

Purified mineral oil is dandy, _if_ you can get it cheap enough- try a
chemical supply house and get USP grade.  Like any organic oil, it can
be slightly hygroscopic (despite what intuition might tell you) so it's
a good idea to "boil it out" by heating it to about 300 degrees F for an
hour or so.  Be careful not to over heat it- monitor the temp with a
good thermometer, otherwise you'll break down the oil and lower its
dielectric strength.


.                personal email: gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com                .
.          personal web page: http://www-dot-netherworld-dot-com/~gomez       .