
Re: Ballasting how-to? (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 17:29:59 -0600
From: Chuck Curran <ccurran-at-execpc-dot-com>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: Ballasting how-to? (fwd)

Hello Michael:

You have already gotten the initial information on the connection for the
current limiting by using an inductive ballasting technique, based on your
e-mail.  I will describe the specifics on my set-up and since you will get
several alternatives presented form the list, I think you should be able to
collect the recommendations and select a method that you (and your wallet!)
will be comfortable with.
The short schematic you included in your post is one functional technique,
while another to consider is to simply place the resistance directly in
parallel with the inductor.  I chose to use the parallel resistance method
with my 10 Kva pole pig and it has been a great success.  Now for some
detail.  I obtained (visited the junk yard) two 2200 watt stove top elements
for my resistors.  I tried several different resistance connections, one
element by itself, two in series, or two in parallel until the results, or
spark appeared to be the best.  You will have to test this step with your
own system for optimum performance.  I chose to purchase a Century 230 amp
Arc welder.  These are available from many of the home building supply
stores for about $190.00., with Lincoln being a higher quality choice for
around $239.00.  Century is the company that makes the Sears units , FYI.
While this is not cheap, the variable current selection lever (or dial) on
these units makes the adjustment for different current/power levels very
easy.  The connection to the welder is to place the 240 volt side in series
with your power line and short out the high current welder leads.  I found
that the advice I got in the summer of 1996 to be very helpful.
Specifically, start at a nice low safe setting and slowly work up as your
testing proceeds.  I've used this set-up up to 15 Kw input and so far so
good--have fun!

Chuck Curran

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 1997 8:57 PM
Subject: Ballasting how-to? (fwd)

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 15:03:43 -0800 (PST)
>From: baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Ballasting how-to?
>As I am in the early stages of planning to move to a potential Xfrmr
>in place of my neon units (I just want the HV kickback problem to
>go away :)) I am curious on the best way to ballast such a beast.
>While I have heard much mention of how to build caps, and so forth -
>ballasting seems to "Be done the usual way" What is the the usual way?
>To wit: As I understand it, a combination of resistive and inductive
>ballasting is done, consisting of resistors and a welder in series with
>the transformer:
>   AC HOT  -----------RES-------WELDER------
>                                             TRANSFORMER
>   AC NEU  ---------------------------------
>What size resistor is used? { I have access to surplus multi-kilowatt
>                              forklift resistors }
>What size/type of welder?
>I would be using 120V, and I have a 1.4KVA variac I can use. The
>transformer I am considering is a 1.5KVA 12KV to 120V potential
>Michael Baumann  Optivus Technology Inc.|Loma Linda University Medical
>San Bernardino, California. (909)799-8308 |Internet: baumann-at-llumc.edu