Re: Car igntion coil
From: Julian Green[SMTP:julian-at-kbss.bt.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 1997 12:11 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Car igntion coil
For those who cant get Neon sign transformers then try this:
| |
================ T1
| | |
| ------------ +12v
| |
+-R1- -R2-+
+-C1-\ /-C2-+
| \ / |
| \/ |
| /\ |
| / \ |
\| / \ |/
|-- --|
/| TR1 |\ TR2
| |
--------------+----- Gnd
TR1,TR2 2N3055 or something juicy.
R1,R2 470 Ohms 5Watts
C1,C2 0.1uF
T1 Line output transformer from TV - rewind primary
with thick wire 40 turns center tapped.
The exact circuit above may not work, so try different values of
R and C. Its not normally difficuly to get going as I have built
several of the above with what ever bits are on hand at the time.
With suitable Heatsink I have had 100w out. Be carefull that the
circuit does not draw too much current when setting up else you
will melt a transistor. Use a big 10 ohm series resistor to start
Rectify output with HV diode from the TV or string up a load of
IN4007 diodes.
Julian Green.