Re: Static Air-blast gap.
From: Ashley, Marcus[SMTP:Marcus.Ashley-at-actew-dot-com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 1997 5:19 PM
To: 'Tesla List'
Subject: RE: Static Air-blast gap.
Just wondering how many people on this list live in the ACT.(Aust.)
Allways listen to experts, they'll tell you what can't be done and why.
Then do it.
Marc Ashley
>From: Phil Chalk[SMTP:philoc-at-ozemail-dot-com.au]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 1997 4:17 AM
>To: 'TESLA List'
>Subject: Static Air-blast gap.
>Hi all,
>I'm back on the air again, after a long absence.
>I have been considering making a static gap from two rods of solid brass
>(say). No firm details yet, but let's say about 1 - 1 1/2" diameter.
>One would be attached to a threaded rod to allow for adjustment of gap
>distance. The other, probably, fixed. The two round end faces parallel.
>Just like 'normal'.
>Now here's the new bit. The fixed electrode would be drilled right through
>down its central axis - about a 1/4" dia. hole. Compressed air would be
>blown through this hole; it would hit the face of the movable electrode, then
>be forced to exit from the edges of the gap - hopefully fairly evenly.
>The air flow would probably need to increase with increasing gap distance,
>but this could be easily arranged.
>Hope this explanation gives you the picture.
>Any comments ?
>Phil Chalk.
>(P.S. G'day Rodney & Peter in ACT. Will mail privately soonish.)