
Re: Coiling Waveforms.

From: 	Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: 	Thursday, August 07, 1997 12:25 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Coiling Waveforms.

John H. Couture wrote:

> >I am looking at the stored ringdown/beat envelope of a *non-breakout*
> >waveform I captured and stored in the scope *right now*. The waveform
> >was captured at 300BPS.
> >     Time to quench: <25uS   7 complete beat envelopes, Amplitude <25%
> >of first transfer at quench.
> >     Time between breaks: 3.33333333333 mS
> >
> >Does that answer your question?
> >
> >Malcolm
>    As far as I can determine you are the only one doing this type of
> research so we coilers will have to depend on what you find.  I do not know
> whether or not the secondary rings up with successive primary shots. This is
> a possibility but may not occur.
>    John Couture

Actually, anyone who has bothered to use a scope and a HV probe to look at
their primary waveforms has done this type of 'research'!

If you are unsure as to whether or not the secondary rings up with successive 
primary shots, may I suggest that you simply look at it?  The results may 
surprise you, and perhaps even affect your JHCTES coil modeling program!