
Re: An Important Post.

From: 	Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: 	Wednesday, August 06, 1997 1:47 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: An Important Post.

Malcolm Watts wrote:

>             This morning I have made a breakthrough that I count as
> the most important piece of research I have ever undertaken. I have
> produced a model of a TC resonator using lumped components in an
> artificial transmission line and measured it. The paradoxes that have
> puzzled so many for so long are now explained and verified in
> experiment!
> Apparatus: A seven stage line was built as follows:
>      1.6mH    800uH    400uH    200uH    100uH    50uH     25uH
>  ----oooo--+--oooo--+--oooo--+--oooo--+--oooo--+--oooo--+--oooo--+---
>  In        |        |        |        |        |        |        | Out
>           ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
>           ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
>  Gnd       |        |        |        |        |        |        |
>  ----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---
>          10pF      22pF     50pF     100pF    220pF    470pF   1000pF
> Results: Measured   f = 65kHz +- 0.2kHz
>          Calculated f = 65kHz near as. Done by summing inductances and
>                         capacitances and using standard 2PISQRT(LC)^-1
>          Most of the 90 degree phase shift along the line occurred in
>          the first stage as did the bulk of the voltage rise. This is
> not surprising since half the total inductance appears in this stage.
> Obviously the model needs to be made a lot more fine-grained to be
> real close to the real thing but serves as a good indicator
> nonetheless.

Very interesting results!  It's amazing that such a complex distributed
circuit can be described so simply, but then again E=MC2 explains a great 
many things as well!  I like how this model explains a coil's tolerance
for shorted turns at the top, but do you think that most of the phase shift
in a standard TC occurs that close to the bottom (due to coupling?)

> Future experiments:
> - use a more finely graded line to observe gradual phase shifts
> - use capacitive E transfer to measure Vo pk
> - measure Q and VSWR

Do you plan to experiment with different tapers as well?

>     It is clear to me that conservation of energy must be observed in
> doing output voltage calculations in the resonator. IMHO, *estimates*
> of some MegaVolts output for very modest primary energy melts away
> entirely. IMHO, it follows from these results that Vo for a capacitive
> discharge situation should follow the rule Vo = Vi.sqrt(Cp/Cs). Many
> experiments in measuring single shot sparks have suggested this for a
> long time now.

Indeed!  I was curious if you have measured the voltage at all the nodes
along your new tapered line, to see how the _energy_ is distributed 
amongst all the capacitors.

Good Work!