
RE- Re: Surface Sparks [ gutta perecha ]

From: 	Robert Michaels[SMTP:robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org]
Sent: 	Monday, August 04, 1997 3:54 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	RE- Re: Surface Sparks =

T>From:  Edward V. Phillips[SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
T>Sent:  Sunday, August 03, 1997 9:13 AM
T>Subject:  Re: Surface Sparks = Wow!!

T>"I use shellac because it is very traditional.
T>                        I also use gutta percha (in other applica-
T>                        tions) for the same reason -- but I digress."
T> Where do you get gutta percha these days?  Thought it went
T>out of use with the horse and buggy.  Serious question, as I too
T>like traditional things.

        Since it is in short supply (and expensive), I laid in a
        very good supply which I treasure dearly.  This,  many years
        ago when I happened to be in the right place at the right

        If I had to seek it today I would proceed thus:

        -- There are importers/dealers which specialize in gums/
           resins/waxes (natural).  To identify:

                "Thomas Register of Manufacturers" under above
                subject headings.

                "Oil and Chemical Reporter" - Buyer's Guide Issue.
                This is a weekly tabloid which reports on global
                pricing of industrial chemicals.  It publishes an
                annual Guide which lists every chemical mfg'r.
                that ever there was, including a listing alphabeti-
                cally by product.

        -- Gutta percha comes from the latex of any of several
           varieties of Malayan "rubber" trees.  Get on the phone to
           the nearest Malayan consulate (Chicago, DC, perhaps L.A.)
           and ask for the name of the nearest friendly importer.
           From the importer find out who is your nearest neighborhood

        -- One of the largest users of gutta percha was (is?) dentists.
           Talk to your dentist.  Else, look for dental supply houses
           in the "Yellow Pages" of the nearest large city.

        -- Far-field approach:  Gutta percha was used to make contain-
           ers for hydrofluoric acid (it attacks glass) before the
           advent of polyethylene.  Use the above named sources to see
           who is making hydrofluoric acid these days.  Maybe they have
           a couple of old 250-lb. fiber drums of gutta percha lying
           around that they're eager to get rid of.

                                                To -
                                                Old Books,
                                                Old Friends,
                                                Old Wines,
                                                Old Insulating Mat'ls.

                                                Robert Michaels, in --
                                                Detroit, USA