
RE: Best Primary Coil

Subject:  RE: Best Primary Coil
  Date:   Wed, 23 Apr 97 06:27:44 UT
  From:   "William Noble" <William_B_Noble-at-msn-dot-com>
    To:   "Tesla List" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>

that's an amazing set of tests and very interesting results - but it
brings to 
mind another primary configuration that I think would potentially act
your 15 deg coil but without the slant - it seems from your notes that
secondary likes to have the outer turns of the primary closer to it
than farther away (at least that's the conclusion I draw from the
with spacing).  two possible configurations of fairly flat coils could
this.  You describe a 16 turn primary, so what do you think would happen
the following 2 configurations??

1. a two layer X8 turn flat pancake coil - start at the outside, spiral
in for 
8 turns, then raise up an inch and spiral back out another 8 turns.  I
if I were doing this I'd wind it on either side of an acrylic sheet. 
would get the turns closer to the secondary without raising them up any.

2. hybrid coil that is flat for say 8 turns and then a helical coil for

Your data sure suggests that imaginary coil #1 above would be a good

I'd try this but I have a lot of really obvious things to do before I
have an 
even moderatly plausible coil to play with (like make a bigger capacitor
and a 
better gap)

-----Original Message-----
From:   Tesla List 
Sent:   Monday, April 21, 1997 9:24 PM
To:     tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
Subject:        Best Primary Coil

Subject:  Best Primary Coil
  Date:   Mon, 21 Apr 1997 13:49:29 -0700
  From:   Gary Weaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net>
    To:   tesla-at-pupman-dot-com


For several months I have been building and testing primary coils. 
[Bill]  snip 
1/4" TUBING PRIMARY FLAT WOUND.  The coils tested here are all made with
1/4" copper tubing.  All coils are flat
wound.  The only thing that changes in this test is the spacing between
turns.  I made coils with .250, .375, .500 and .625
inches between turns.  The inside diameter of all the coils are the
same.  All coils have 16 turns.  I tested each primary coil one
at a time and did not change any thing else in the circuit.  Then I
retested the primary coils changing things one at a time.  In
every test the tighter wound primary coil works the best.  The .500
coils works better than the .625 coil.  The .375 coil works
better than the .500  or the .625 coil. The .250 coil works better than
all the other coils.  Again the tight wound coil is the best.

[Bill]  snip 

Gary Weaver