
RE: A *Perfect* Tesla Coil

        RE: A *Perfect* Tesla Coil
        Wed, 09 Apr 1997 12:51:00 -0500 (EST)

Hi Robert W Stephens, All,
That sounds awsome.   I wish I could see that.  Videos??

I've seen something like that before once in the University
of Maryland Physics lecture hall.  A person demoed a
Tesla coil that ran in pulse mode.  He used a 5 electrode
(4 gaps) subdivided (~1/8") gap with 3 inch diameter
elkonite hemispheres screwed to  5 inch diameter
aluminum plates 1/4 inch thick.  The plates
were held apart with modified 6 inch pvc couplers.  The
capacitor was of unknown size (mica radar pulse?). The
secondary was of the same design as mine- 6" X  27"
X 5 lbs of #18 B&S gauge magnet wire (this is where
I got my dimensions).  The primary consisted of 2 turns
of #0 welding cable wound directly on the secondary at
the bottom!!!   The transformer was unidentified.  The
power source was 220 VAC.

The discharge was about 8 feet long.  The streamer
consisted of a 1" thick trunk about 4-5' long with
a fan of streamerlettes about 4" long and 3-5"
across.  The streamers took several seconds to form.
The sound was like rapid gunfire (staccato).  When
one of the streamers approached me in the
audience the hair on my arm jumped straight up.

120 Hz resonance?


From: "tesla"-at-pupman-dot-com-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
To: Benson Barry; "tesla"-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
Subject: A *Perfect* Tesla Coil
Date: Tuesday, April 08, 1997 6:26AM

<<File Attachment: 00000000.TXT>>
        A *Perfect* Tesla Coil
        Mon, 7 Apr 1997 17:40:08 -0500
        "Robert W. Stephens" <rwstephens-at-headwaters-dot-com>


Last night night my neighbour came over for a quick visit and as he
had not yet seen my new twin system in action I volunteered a
demonstration.  With the distraction of his visit and a technical
subject we
were deeply engaged in discussing which has nothing to do with Tesla
I mechanically plugged in all the plugs to the coil as usual, but forgot
to switch
on the variac which spins up the rotary break.  With both of us donning
silencing earphones I proceeded to crank up the power control variac
quickly to the 35 amp position which corresponds to some 8 kVA.  Two
odd things happened.  Firstly, I had to crank the variac higher than
normal before the activity started.  I didn't really pay attention to
this.  Secondly when the system did fire it came on with a loud shot
gun report from the system cap safety gap.  As I instantly saw the 11
streamers between the towers and hot and heavy action everywhere as
is now normal, I failed to notice that there was no familiar break
whine.  The
system must have run for some 30-45 seconds and we were having a
great old time watching a magnificent show when all of a sudden my
rotary jumped to a big bright power arc.  It wasn't until this point
that I noticed consciously that the rotary wheel was not spinning!

I am absolutely amazed.  Here I had the rotary sitting still with
what amounts to two gaps of about 3/8th of an inch (happenstance
roulette wheel luck) with a vacuum
cleaner blower forcing high speed air between the gaps through
nozzles as is now a common part of my rotary designs.  This is in effect
a two
gap static quench gap!  The system was quenching just fine at 8 KVA
from an 18,000 volt RMS pole pig type transformer!
This quenching was able to continue until the copper electrodes got
so hot as to cause premature ignition of the gaps and it was game
over for any quenching activity.

I have NEVER witnessed a static gap of any kind, especially one with
as few as two spark gaps in series, quench and operate superbly on a
T.C. at anything anywhere near even 1/3rd of  8 kVA,... NEVER!

My conclusion is that I have achieved synergy in its most advanced
and most elusive state with this new Twin TC.  All parameters, on the
secondary side, the RF primary side, the coupling and most certainly
so in the power transformer and reactive power control seem to be
perfectly balanced.  The system quenches all by itself.  Power
transfer is optimum.  I am first suprised, then amazed and finally,
as this all sinks in, pleased as hell! : )

I now understand that there is good reason for this small system's
awesome efficient performance.  I haven't yet had a chance to even
scope the darned thing.  Hey, putting a stethoscope on the thing
might jinx it!

Try to beat this, and oh BTW, the price just went up! : )

In coiling heaven,