
Bert Hickman


I thought your post on the light bulb experiment was very good.  
You've dared to guestimate how much current is available in the 
output streamer by looking at it as an isolated capacitance.  I think 
you are probably right to consider it this way.

I got a chance to view your coil photos at nic.funet.fi.  They look 
great!  Nice to put a face to the person often active on the list.  
>From the pics I can tell that you are somewhat of a perfectionist who 
takes pride in his work, it shows : ).  You look like the kind of guy 
that would not release a photo of an aluminum flex duct based toroid 
on your coil, or perhaps even use it in public, if it has been dropped or 
slightly dented.  I am of the same breed.  (Now before you others get 
on my case, my coils are relatively pretty, my shop looks like a 

I seem to decode from your pics that you have remoted your system 
capacitor and break via heavy high voltage cables to the primary coil 
with a third cable for strike ring and secondary ground.  Do I see 
this as it is?  If so.  WHY?  You are throwing away energy.  In a 
tandem setup operating from a common oscillator you must do this, and 
when this is done it is practice I've seen to use elevated parallel copper 
water pipe as balanced RF transmission line, an attempt to reduce 
unavoidable losses.  In your pictures, if I am seeing this setup 
correctly, your tank circuit leads are draped across the floor.  If I 
am in error here, please tell me to go mind my own #-at-%*% business.  If I am
correct, let's chat.
Here's a good subject for another thread guys!

